444 is one of the most-seen angel numbers, right up there with 11:11 and people's lucky numbers. But what does it mean when you see it? Is it a sign, a message, a nudge or an omen? Read on to find out!
Angel numbers are one of the languages the angels use to communicate with us. The angels can both speak for and connect you to your ancestors, all aspects of the Divine, and any spiritual messenger that is part of your spiritual support team at this moment in time. During our life, we have a core team of angels and spiritual guides who are always there. At times we get extra attention, specialized support, or visits from deities that might not be part of our upbringing, religion, or previous spiritual understanding. Our personal guide team is filled with supporting energies that reflect where we’ve been, what we need right now, and what is coming up in our near future.

Angel numbers are single digits, compound numbers, and number sequences that may appear in ordinary settings and can be interpreted as messages from a higher power or your spirit team. They can provide insight into complicated situations and shed light on themes you currently are experiencing in your life. They can show up as single digits, repeating number sequences, or ascending or descending numeric cycles. They can appear as numbers you already know, like your birthdate, phone number, or license plate, or even in the form of seeing other signs a specific number of times. You could go through the procession of seeing the number 333, then encounter other signs in groups of 3, notice house numbers that have a digit sum of 3, and end with seeing 3 feathers every day on your way to work for a while—until the energy shifts. You could also see numbers when you’re in a particularly relaxed and receptive mood while watching TV and notice apartment, hotel room, or street numbers in your favorite TV series.
Like what you're reading? Then you would love A Little Bit of Angel Numbers by Novalee Wilder as part of this blog post has quotes from the book! Find it at your favorite bookstore or if you're in the US order a signed copy here.
If you've been seeing 444 everywhere you must have been pondering what it means, not just the general meaning of the angel number but the message it holds for you specifically. Let's dive into the number 4 through the spiritual science of numerology.
4: 44, 444, 4444
The number 4 speaks of change and transformation. It wants you to trust that you can expand into new or different levels of life, but also that you might need to move or change something drastically to do so. Repeating 4s point to a rebirth and foundational work in your life. This could also be about structures and core beliefs that need reimagining or reinforcement. 444 and seeing repeating 4s are signs that you signed up for this particular challenge; you have what it takes and will make it through. Seeing 4444, also known as the “Gates of Change,” is a sign to focus on your support systems, build a foundation, and trust the ride. You have asked for change, and, as you step into the path of transformation, you become a messenger of hope for others who are wanting to make big shifts too.
As you can see depending on what's going on around and inside of you the meaning of this angel number can change. Are you in a foundational part of your life and need to focus on structure and systems? Are you in a chapter of transformation and ready to expand into a new level, identity or perhaps place? Take a moment to check in with yourself and the energy of 444 to see what resonates with you and where you are at this moment. Do this whenever you notice the number and over time you'll get better at deciphering the messages that your spirit team has for you.
100% Love
Novalee Wilder
Professional Numerologist and Writer
PS: Like what you're reading? Then you would love A Little Bit of Angel Numbers by Novalee Wilder as part of this blog post has quotes from the book! Find it at your favorite bookstore or if you're in the US order a signed copy here.