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The Numerology Forecast for 2025

Writer: Novalee WilderNovalee Wilder

Welcome to the end of a cycle. Not only are we in a 9 year because 2+0+2+5 = 9. We’re in the 3rd 9 year of the 2000s. As most Numerologists will tell you, there’s something interesting and powerful happening when we get to the 3rd repetition of a pattern within a sequence. Something settles in, a groove is being carved and the themes, that in the beginning were just whispers somewhere in the distance, are now clear voices and directions.

I’m declaring this ‘The Year of the Body’. I see us needing to return to our physical vessel and reality again and again as this year will force us up in the cerebral space, the detachments of the mind, the mental cage of confusion and disconnection. I declare it as a focus because we will see

generations of humans get more permanently lost in the seduction of the internet ethers. The lure of para-social relationships and watching other people’s lives instead of living our own is cementing the impact of the internet, social media and the pandemic. This year needs to be filled with active choices or you will get carried along with the main current.

9 years are always tied to endings as our cycles start with 1 and end in 9 before they repeat. We have the full spectrum of endings in play, graduations, reformations, milestones, points of no return, rebirth and reinvention. Death, destruction and obliteration of the old. I find the energy of this year heart wrenching in its importance, while every turn of the wheel of time is significant, this one feels definitive on a deeper level.

An ending is both the final part of something but also the furthest point from the start. Looking at your journey over the last 9 years what have you been moving on from and toward? Are there values you have embodied more fully? Are there directions or ideas you have abandoned? Does the map look different from this end than you thought it would?

Some of the themes from this year that I find interesting:

  • Instant vs delayed gratification.

  • Youthful aggression vs mature anger

  • Addiction vs connection

  • Self-binding in a world of excess

  • Choosing restraint when it is uncommon or even unwelcome.

  • Power structures

  • Communication vs Propaganda

  • Ceremonies and rituals for transformation

  • Guru-fication and cancel culture

  • Mental health when our bodies are sick

  • Making juicy things juicy again.

One of the things that has been on my mind:

When I consume, I don’t contribute. The more I consume the less I value my own input and perspective. I am not an internet trash can and have to set up restrictions to not get filled up with painful images and others' fear.

Included in this 2025’s energy is 20/2 and 25/7. Which means that spiritual responsibility is on the menu. We're accountable for and should take care of the influence we wield. It's greater than we think. Since I’m in the spiritual and identity cross section fields, this feels very apt.

I recently got certified in The Fox Method, a trauma-informed nervous system & the arts certification created by Ruby Rose Fox. It has helped me make sense of my experiences and trauma from my acting years and given me new tools to support my clients through the name change process. I see the teaching and leadership role as something that needs redefining at each stage of our lives. Both in my micro cosmos and on the global scale we're grappling with leadership and authenticity.

9 energy while often leading us up and out of the body is connected to our root chakra, and foundational work is in order to be the most impactful version of ourselves. Building an exercise routine, and working on your hormonal and physical health is a non-negotiable. Looking at your habits, identity and home can be not just rewarding but a lifeline through the coming changes.

Ways to work with the 9 energy: This is a great year to review, finalize, dot your t’s and cross your i’s. In a slightly macabre way I would approach this year almost as a living will or testament. A year where we look at what we want to leave behind.

What you have not yet attended will need attention. Maybe you’ve been avoiding a decision, pushing an identity away that is the next step for you. Maybe you’ve been clinging to an idea that is ultimately making you freeze in place instead of expanding to a new level. This could be a stage of life you’re unwilling to let go of. From a parent to a small child to the parent of a teenager. From seeing yourself as ‘young’ in a way that is keeping you from owning the wisdom and body of the next stage. It could be the transition of menopause, the transition of gender identity. From working to retirement. It could be keeping the grief of change away from fully consuming you but in the process letting your energy be tied up in it.

There could also be something you’re trying to fix with fundamentally the wrong tool, a spiritual need you’re trying a herbal supplement for or a panic disorder you’re trying to pray away. It might sound silly when juxtaposed like this but this is the right time to look at the tools you’re using vs the problem you’re having. Maybe an entirely new approach is needed.

Watch to watch/listen to more about this year's energy? Check out my interview with Vibeke Garnaas.

100% Love

Novalee Wilder

Professional Numerologist & Writer

PS: If you're LGBTQIA+, or have a terminal or chronic illness and are looking into sessions, please reach out and ask for my special rates on name changes.


I acknowledge that I reside on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Tongva nation. I pay my respect to elders past, present and emerging.

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Novalee Wilder

5870 Melrose Ave Ste 3 #687

Los Angeles, CA 90038, USA


© 2017-2025 Novalee Wilder

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