Testimonials aka Client Love
If you're interested in working with me check out the experiences of previous clients here. These are real people with a wide variety of backgrounds. I'm infinitely grateful for each review, testimonial and recommendation shared. I hope they help you find the right session for you.

Writer, Speaker, Filmmaker & Humanitarian
I always seemed to know that something was off with my name. As soon as I started learning languages at school and experimenting with different spellings, this endless search began, and it’s continued ever since. I started looking for answers as a teenager when I first heard about numerology and astrology. Since then, I’ve gone through cycles of disappointment, hope, and excitement over and over again. The more I see how the energies are at play, the more convinced I am of the need to change my name legally. I've always felt that names are integral to a person's way of being. My mother, who is into astrology, is quite skeptical about names. She says things like, "Maybe it's just an illusion?" or "I don't like my name either." For a moment, her voice sounded in me when I signed up for the session. When I listened to you, tears came to my eyes several times, everything was so true to the point of pain. This analysis is so accurate, it gave goosebumps. How one could not believe it in the power of numerology? I wish more people would begin to understand the wisdom of this ancient knowledge and treat issues of naming with care and reverence. The names we carry affect us so deeply that a person who has never met you in real life can literally see what your heart is like and what your aura is like. Yet, when we go to the passport office, we often face coldness and skepticism. Your recording confirmed everything I’ve always felt. I have been thinking about what you've given me for several days now. I am re-reading your book and finding more and more things to pay attention to. I really hope that my reality will soon shift in such a way that I will be able to change the spelling of my name officially in my passport. As you know there were certain problems with this until now, but I believe that events are formed as far as we are ready for it. In my heart, I was still weighing all the possible options and wasn't 100% sure what I really wanted, but after the session with you, I gained so much clarity! I can see now what's better to let go of and I will not back down from what is mine;) I actually loved the audio format! Your engagement, your whole approach is very real. Your voice is so heartwarming! The way you communicate with your customers feels personal and genuine. I felt heard and seen. Special thanks for the bonuses! The calculator made my life so much easier. Everything is just profound, and very thoughtful. Absolutely yes I’d recommend this session! I've already been telling friends about you! Thank you so much for this outstanding work! Wishing you love and an abundance of grateful clients!

Coach, mentor & interfaith minister
Oh my goodness I loved it all! The whole session was a light bulb moment, starting to understand my own blueprint a little more, along with my name vibrations. Feeling into the potential for a name change, as agreed by my deceased gran who visited me the week of my session to tell me this was okay. The whole session was steeped in preparation, allowing for magick to unfurl along the way. Just the way I like it. During the session, I felt very held, safe and nourished. It was interesting to also feel so seen, perhaps witnessed is a truer word. The mental and emotional shifts I experienced were in my feeling more able to nourish all of me, to tend to younger parts of myself which didn't receive what they needed at the time they needed tending. Also feeling encouraged to explore what I need now. After the session I felt lifted, grounded and wired/tired. There was part of me that wanted to keep going to explore more, and another part that wanted to rest, integrate, and percolate over the information. I'm paying more attention to what I really need, what I'm called to do. I'm sharpening myself, my life and my message, all of which feel really good. It may be too soon to say as I feel change will happen each day. Some things are definitely shifting though. I would absolutely recommend this session. Everyone should invest in one and I should invest in more! Thank you. Spending time with you and this work is helping me move deeper into my mantra - living in and on purpose. It's also helping me realize things I wanted to do as a child, well my whole life really, including weapons training and swordplay!
Den fulde læse- og navneændringssession

Writer, Speaker, Filmmaker & Humanitarian
Thank for the delightful, insightful reading. I feel seen. Even the challenging dynamics of my life path feel supported in how you presented them during the reading. I’m truly grateful. It was so spot on! If you’re looking for a unique and meaningful gift for yourself or others get this!

Marie Sevigny-Penrod
Before booking I had no hesitations, just curiosity! I felt aligned with the feedback regarding my name, also felt some internal click with some of the revelations around my numbers that I hadn't considered before. I felt uplifted and 'heard'. I have taken careful notes and intend on further reflection. Learning about my base numbers was very interesting! I felt a spotlight shed on some of my skills and gifts that perhaps I knew I had but have not been using to their fullest. I've been struggling a lot, so this outside perspective was inspiring. I’d recommend this! I think it’s for anyone who may need a reminder as to how/who they are in this vast universe, and that they have gifts and contributions to share and/or use for themselves for a happy life. I liked the cadence of the recording and despite not thinking so, my name was actually pronounced correctly on the first try! That never happens. ;)

Marie Sevigny-Penrod
I am happy to made the decision to book a Name Check Up with Novalee. It was very enlightening. If I hadn’t done that I would have made a wrong decision with a certain name-idea that I had in mind. I am excited to find out what better possibilities are there for me in the next session. Thank you for your pleasant and humorous way of being. It was so interesting and enjoyable to listen to the audiofile! Looking forward to the next session!

Transpersonal Psychotherapist
I had no hesitations before booking and during our call I felt engaged, present, and absorbent. After I felt comfort and a self forgiveness of things I know about myself, and a validation of some of my favorite quirks. I have already recommended your sessions to almost all of my clients Thank you! It was genuinely worth the investment to me.
The Full Reading

Anders Klues & Cheryl Verhesen
Business Owners
We had no reservations at all before our session. We have come to realize the power of a numerology reading and recommendation and it seems to have become a normal part of our decision-making process. We did a business naming session and had some questions regarding how our personal energy could be integrated into our business. Novalee did a wonderful job of integrating the two and explained how the energies interact with each other. We ended up choosing to continue our business with a fresh name and start. It has been a long time coming and this session revealed a lot of our gut feelings about moving forward in our business. We felt very comfortable and enjoyed the insights Novalee had for us. Destiny is a funny thing. When we prepare for it we can navigate and prepare for what we know is going to happen and thus exercise our freedom in how we respond. This may seem like it takes away your freedom but like good medicine, it allows you to heal from hurts and move forward better prepared. We want to be prepared for the good times as well as the bad times so we can live in them with more depth and clarity. We would absolutely and definitely recommend this! As far as we are concerned an investment with Novalee is the largest return on investment we can conceive of. We would like to thank Novalee for her generous amount of time spent on and in preparation for our session including the areas of personal growth still to come.
The Business Session

Numerolog, sexolog, skaber og aktivist
I found The Numerology School by googling and didn't realize that Novalee was the author of A Little bit of Numerology, which was the first book I read when I began studying Numerology! It all came full came full circle at the exact time it needed to! I studied Pythagorean Numerology for about a year and a half before I decided I wanted to expand my knowledge within the school of thought and actually be guided by a professional numerologist. Studying by myself I did not have a full awareness of the ethics, and also risks that are behind the energy work of this profession. The build-up of each class was lovely!! I loved the flow of the teaching. Overall, Novalee made us feel comfortable asking questions and allowed us to be vulnerable in the space. It was intense to transition from Pythagorean to Chaldean but it is an honor to have an abundance of knowledge of both! The name change sessions completely shifted my perspective. When I was on my fool's journey studying numerology and trying to launch my business, I blindly was offering name change sessions on my menu. NO, I WAS NEVER BOOKED FOR ONE but ultimately I was manifesting that that would be something that I would offer as one of my services. It wasn't until training that I didn't see nor realize how crucial and such a risk, and powerful, delicate gift and honor to do a name change. To have access to someone's energy source and be able to alter it is, removing blocks so they are able to ascend towards their higher purpose is literally insane. Many gifts were unlocked within us all during this time spent together. It humbled me completely and really provided me with the awareness of the energy work we do. I am infinitely grateful. Numerology has fully been integrated into my life for 2 years now but I didn't realize this was the stepping stone before everything else. I thought I was going to only be a numerologist from this journey but it has only opened more portals for me to explore and bring more to my business. I want to eventually learn real estate and combine those two together. I'd also like to become a Doula and be able to not only bring new life into the world but also assist them on a harmonious journey through their name. So much and while I thought it ended here, it was only the beginning! I would definitely recommend people to The Numerology School however it's not for the faint heart. While Novalee’s teaching style is the vibe it needs to be, on a large scale studying this is not a joke. Thank you so much again Novalee! I am infinitely grateful for you beyond words!

Yelena Havana
Instinctively I knew that I wanted a name change session and it felt right. Before the session, I felt excitement and nervousness to begin with which quickly eased into feeling comfortable and reassured. Energetically and emotionally, it was like being gently vibrated back into place. The session put into context the effects of my birth name and I realized I was right in my feelings about my name. The session confirmed what I knew and this was empowering. Emotionally I felt loved and held by my new name/number vibration and this was heart-opening. I had an emotional release that night after the session. I get a sense of the ‘new’ me and glimpses into what my life can become and this has been exciting and given me butterflies in the stomach at the same time! I suspect that this energy will continue to grow as I continue to grow into my new name. The confirmation of what I felt deep inside was such a relief. To know I’m not crazy or imagining things gives me greater confidence in myself. The session was amazing and I am so pleased I made the investment. I think anyone who is struggling with life and searching for happiness but can’t break through would benefit from a look at their personal numeroscope. Also, people who don’t like their name! Interestingly, I had some names come to me intuitively before my session. I was pretty happy to see that they are on the lists!!! More confirmation! Thanks again Novalee. I feel understood when I watch the support videos! Joyfully and gratefully allowing my essence to be.

Privat kunde
Before booking and attending the session, a range of mixed emotions surfaced spanning a sense of curiosity and anticipation to uncertainty and apprehension. Overall, I looked forward to understanding more about the interaction between my name vibrations and essence. The session provided a deeper sense of self-awareness and a better understanding of specific patterns and experiences in my life. The wisdom you shared in our session helped me to connect the ‘dots’ and ultimately, revealed a bigger, multi-layered picture. Following the session, there was more clarity in aligning with natural strengths and inclinations both on a personal and professional level. The recording provided even more opportunities to discover new realizations. Learning how the various vibrations/frequencies interconnect through a spectrum of expression was so valuable. The detailed explanation of my base numbers was both illuminating and validating on many levels. This experience is beneficial for those on a journey of self-discovery who seek a deeper understanding of the frequencies at play in their life. Taking time to highlight natural gifts, talents, and ways of being (which may or may not be fully recognized or supported) as well as identify patterns, lessons, or unconscious behaviors provides such valuable insight into our experience of life and how we navigate through it. I am grateful for the down-to-earth and supportive manner in which you share your vast knowledge of numerology. The session facilitated a better understanding of the past as well as a greater sense of clarity and empowerment in the present. Thank you.
Den fulde læsning

Kunstner, Creative Director, Designer & EFT Guide
I felt supported and listened to. I definitely had some a-ha's on the call, and some new insights into aspects that I knew were there. I felt grounded after our session although I also knew I needed integration time! I've definitely noticed changes in thought around areas that I've seen as challenges or not understood completely. My behavior has also shifted - I'm finding it maybe not EASIER to take action, but more NECESSARY :) like the time is now. I really liked learning more about Name vibrations and how to work with them - it was the impetus for booking the call so that was a highlight. Also learning why I'm attracted to certain people, being able to embrace that part of me as a positive thing and move forward from there. This is for anyone who wants more understanding of self and how to work with their strengths and energies! Very thankful to have found you in The Vortex! I watched all your videos inside - mindblowing! Had never had a numerology reading and really appreciated the prep work you did, and your presence and intuition on the call.
Den fulde læsning

Zinnya Morningstar
Kosmetisk tatovør
My experience with Novalee is that she is an absolute gem! I had been considering a name change for years, but was stuck on a few things and getting frustrated - then I found numerology and Novalee. Although I was immediately intrigued, I was also unsure about the process and potential results. She put me completely at ease, answering all my questions honestly and succinctly. I felt confident in her knowledge and approach, and she did not disappoint during our session! Before booking the session, I felt fear, nervousness, apprehension, doubt - I was worried I would be just as stuck as before, that it wouldn't offer any useful insight I didn't already know, and that I would have wasted money I didn't have to try to figure out "something silly like changing my name". I was wrong btw and my fears were for nothing! I felt nervous and excited during the session. Novalee was great and helped me feel comfortable and supported. The insight she shared with me about my base number and numeroscope gave me clarity, validation, and renewed purpose regarding changing my name. She listened to what was important to me so the options she offered me were exactly the fit I had been searching for. There was a lot of validation for things I knew but no one else seems to "see" or believe. So that was really nice. It also confirmed in me what I already knew - I need to change my freaking name! Asap! I felt so much lighter after our session and so excited about the next steps! I also felt really empowered and like I had a renewed sense of purpose. I have been an active participant in my life again since our session, which is a fucking blessing because I had been struggling and stagnant for literal years and was worried I would never "be myself" or get my motivation/discipline back. It's been energizing and rejuvenating! I completed a project that was supposed to be done months ago in a week with energy and inspiration out of nowhere. I feel a shift in my perspective on life and love and potential for the future, which I had given up on ever feeling again. I have so many creative ideas, I don't know where to start and I feel calm and confident about whatever life will throw my way. Everything feels like so much less of a struggle that sometimes I don't know what to do with myself because things are so much easier lately. I loved how delightful Novalee is, She is so authentic and I just really enjoyed our interaction as a whole. I also really appreciated the new numeroscope she offered me - the more I sit with it, the more it feels like the perfect fit, the puzzle piece that I was searching for without really knowing it. It's like everything has now been connected and all I need to do is move forward! I would absolutely recommend a session with Novalee to others! I think her approach to numerology is for everyone, and having different session options is perfect for that. People who are curious about themselves and want to delve deeper into their inner landscape, as well as people like myself, who know themselves well, but need guidance outside of their own thoughts into the possibilities they can't see, will both receive amazing benefits from a session with you. What makes Novalee an absolute gem is that she is authentically herself as a professional, is committed to and knowledgeable about numerology, and is a delight to interact with as a result. I was deeply impressed with how prepared and present she was during our session; her website and social media are accurate depictions of the high caliber of her work. I am so grateful to have her on this journey with me!

Joanna Vanessa Medina Ortiz
Before booking, I wondered if a name change could really help change my life. During the session, I felt validated by the information you provided. It was healing in a way because I felt seen and understood. After the session, It took a little while to process it all. Overall I think I just felt like it was okay to start being me because of the validation that came from the session of who I am at the core. It also gave me hope for more growth and healing through a name change. I honestly loved it all! All of the information was amazing. Although we talked for almost 3 hours I could have kept listening to you all day. I would so recommend a session with you to everyone. Anyone who is ready to learn more about themselves and grow. Thank you for the session! I can't wait to change my name soon and bring in new energy! Your sincere energy made me feel very comfortable and like I was just chatting with a friend who happens to be an extremely knowledgeable numerologist.

Anders Klues
direktør for vedligeholdelse hos Montair Aviation
I felt more curiosity than anything else before the session. Novalee talked very clearly and even though not knowing me in the traditional sense, she named many of my issues and patterns quite clearly. After the session I have noticed many shifts in my attitude and approach to things already. I can see that this alone will make a huge difference for me. Seeing that my patterns are there for a reason and that I can have control over how my life shows up. Almost everyone should invest in a session. It is a tool to help harmonize our world and bring us closer to a true understanding of our greatness, in terms of compassion and creativity, as humans. The video support helped me through the release, it’s very important to have help and some direction on what to expect. The earlier videos helped with the initial direction, the integration meditation was most useful and I use it regularly. I would recommend the videos even for people who’ve worked with a different numerologist. The change is less effective without the support. Thank you! It has been a good experience which I am still moving through and it is good to know I can revisit the resources for support when needed.

Privat kunde
Dear Novalee, I have been to many therapists trying to understand who I am and why I am, I usually trample on them:-) But your gentle expression of who I am gave me such joy along with tears. Thank you. I will be signing up for a longer session
Anna-Dea Fredensborg
Etnologistuderende og fotograf
I was excited to see what you could say about me. While listening I felt very safe but also pretty amazed. How could you know that? And this? And that too? It felt like you put words to a lot of things I’ve never been able to express, only sense. Specifically when you talked about my name vibrations. I’ve never really used the first part of my name (I have a hyphen between my two first names) because it didn’t feel right to me. It was specifically this name that you pointed out was the heaviest to deal with. I was glad to get the words to describe my experience. In just 15 mins you’ve given me deep insight into my essence (base numbers) and I think it’s absolutely amazing. I already feel a much greater awareness around if I’m acting through my first or second base number. Something I think can benefit me greatly as one number says ‘’I can handle that!” and the other energy is far more sensitive. Being aware of which energy is my starting point is no doubt an important insight into my life. Oh, I loved a lot of the things you covered! To get to know my base numbers. To be reminded of what that energy holds. Get light on where and why I lose my drive and energy. It was so uncanny when you described my unconscious patterns. Also that some of the passion I feel comes as a reaction to something I missed out on in childhood - and what my passion is about. And I LOVE that you told me that I’m a lucky traveler ‘cause I LOVE to travel! Also, I wish I could listen to you forever! For anyone reading - In just 15 mins Novalee pours so much wisdom into your ears. She was so accurate in her reading of me that I at one point found myself laughing just to cope with the wonder. I can reveal that the wonder turned to deep awe and insights. I’ve already understood so much more about myself - my strengths and the pitfalls I’m prone to stumble on If I’m not aware.

Digital Marketing Strategist & Content Writer
I kept seeing number sequences and wanted to know what they were about and to gain some insight on my purpose in this life time and through my work - I feel like I am at a stage where I can go left or right and needed the guidance Everything was very spot on - I especially liked how you picked out curiosities of mine, that I did not mention to you - you confirmed I should pursue them... also, you emphasized how important it is for me to fill my cup more than others.. and as of late I have been feeling so depleted - this made everything so clear! After the session I said no to several things, lost some clients (which i'm happy about) and decided that I'm no longer serving everyone besides myself. What resonated most for me was how much I give to others and not to myself... it just clicked to me differently than before. I’d recommend this session to anyone who wants some clarity and direction - who wants their curiosities confirmed, who feel stuck and dont' know how to get out of the stuck-ness Your voice was soooo soothing :) I loved the audio.
Det numerologiske navnetjek

Becky G
Små virksomhedsejer og underviser
To be honest, I wasn't sure how much clarity I would get from the session because fifteen minutes didn't seem like very much time. I've never worked with numerology before, so I didn't know what to expect. While listening to the recorded session I felt like Novalee knew me. It was a very powerful reading and I wasn't expecting to get so much insight. After listening I experienced SO many shifts - It helped to reaffirm the path I'm taking with my business. She also really spoke to the lack of confidence I feel at times when it comes to getting my message out into the world. I don't need to take one more course. I'm already ready. I really appreciate the clarity I got in choosing a business name. I know now that I was struggling with some of my business names for a reason and feel so confident in moving forward. I also feel like it was Novalee's intuition that guided her to discuss which businesses are profitable. I'm not going into business for money, but money and profit is very important to me as aI grow my business so that I can also meet some personal goals. I’d definitely recommend working with Novalee. From my experience, anyone who is wavering about their business name and has some interest in numerology should have this done.

Rose Harwood
Skuespillerinde, forfatter, producer og intuitiv træner
Something I’d like to share for anyone reading: Once you own your new name everyone else will. This transition is only as hard as you make it. I appreciate and am very grateful to have worked with Novalee specifically on this powerful life transition. I really enjoyed the videos that came around the 4-6 month mark. The hardest part for me was around the 6 month of the release when the euphoria of getting through all the legal stuff was done but I hadn’t fully owned the new name yet and I was struggling to get others to see me anew. Those videos saved me then and helped me give myself grace. It was a RELIEF to know these videos were coming. I found them all helpful in one way or another and they always arrived and fit with what I was going through. I found I very much looked forward to the them and the continued education about the release. It would have been very challenging without that because it was already challenging with that support. Anyone who has changed their name would benefit from these resources.

Raasmus Morten Hansen
Reiki Healer, illustrator og musiker
I love my new name! The Name Check-Up I received was a great gift and made a big difference. I was curious at first. I was ready for a change on many levels and I knew it was inevitable. I know several people who had changed their name but knew nothing about their process, reasons behind or effect of it. My wife had changed her name and this was the opportunity that arose for me, to see it up close, follow along, ask questions, and be involved in her process. I was excited and open during the session and experienced a positive shift in my energy as well as a sense of ease and lightness. I was and am now, totally ready to be confronted with myself, my ego, all of my good and less than great qualities. The best thing is and was that everything you told me was so super accurate. You described me better than I could’ve done myself. I’m a fan of the whole process from beginning to end, but I was and am glad you took the time to email and listen to me along the way. Thank you for doing that. I would definitely recommend Novalee. Everyone should invest in a name change. Especially men.
Navnetjek- og navneændringssessionen

Spirituel Business Coach & EAM Method® Mentor
My hesitations before booking were primarily to do with my business. Knowing that I'd have to change literally everything and rebrand. During my session with Novalee, I felt heard and seen. It was a safe, sacred and open space where everything could be shared. She made sure I understood everything and answered all of my questions. I absolutely felt a shift! The weeks after, while I was finding the right names were somewhat emotional, frustrating and kinda sensitive, but in a good way. Once the name was in place - oh boy - I had not expected that difference. It's like the most beautiful flower blooming. Simply beautiful. Novalee does not kid around. She sees behind the veil and is extremely prepared coming into the session, so all you have to do is lean back, open yourself up, listen and process. I would highly recommend Novalee if you're looking for a professional numerologist (and I have and I do) as she will give it to you straight. Based on your numeroscope she'll know all of the shit you've got going on, so there's really no place to hide. You might as well get it all out and allow Novalee to support you with an amazing and solid foundation for you to expand from. One thing I absolutely love about Novalee is her unwavering insistence on truth and no-nonsense bullshit and her deep knowledge. She very clearly knows what she does and does it really well. The energetic difference since my name change with Novalee is so very clearly felt. It's like everything just runs smoother. Like a powerful machine that clearly needed an oil change. If you've found your way into her space there's a reason for it! Follow that guidance!
Navneændringssession & virksomhedsnavneændring

Holistisk Energiterapeut, Mentor & Spaceholder
I had some reservations as I come from a family that’s always made quite a lot of fun of numerology and people who used it as a tool. And especially because I had the experience that many people who changed their names ended up being called something that in my world was rather strange!! But conversely, I was also attracted and curious after countless conversations with people who use numerology. I’ve also seen how people I know who have changed their names have experienced a new depth in themselves and greater calm in their businesses. And I want to experience that too! I felt extremely safe during the session. The energy you radiate is luminous and warm. You’re so far from judgmental or a ‘know-it-all’ and it creates that experience that you really want me to feel good for my sake and that I can do whatever I want without it being strange, as long as it is true for me. I experienced during the session how you almost saw through me and my story, by describing my numeroscope to me. It was a wild feeling and it convinced me of how powerful numerology is. It became so clear that you have done a lot of preparatory work and really have a great deal of embodied knowledge, which benefits me in the finest way. I think the most groundbreaking thing for me was being able to put into words the changes that have taken place in my life in relation to other name changes I’ve had for various reasons. How I’ve been affected by the vibrations and how it has then manifested itself more and more clearly. It’s been essential to learn that much of what I’ve felt in my essence and what I’ve felt wrong about being is “just” part of my lessons in this lifetime. It somehow makes it more ok for me and I think I can be with what is and more easily say "this too shall pass" and know that it’s true. I’m also getting to asking “what am I going to learn from this” instead of feeling sorry for myself. I can ONLY recommend you and already have. I've said it before - you do so much work “behind the scenes” clearing the energy and feeling into me as a client. And that's exactly what makes you so brilliantly talented and insanely likable. I'm glad you chose this path and thank you for being so damn authentic and super inspiring. I wish you all love and happiness! You deserve it!

Isabel Björgdóttir
NLP hypnoterapeut og livscoach
Before booking my reservations were mostly about the fear of other’s opinions about my name change. Maybe I was a bit scared about being told to name myself something really out there. But of course that didn’t happen :) I felt completely clear on wanting to change my name, even before the session, a feeling that only grew during it, as I connected the dots between the challenges that have shown up after my last name change around my daughter’s birth 8 years ago. Very quickly I felt a great energetic shift inside of me - way more calmness, joy, and optimism. I keep getting lots of delicious visions of my future and I’ve had dreams about things from my past that I now feel I can let go of. The craziest thing I've experienced after the session is that I feel as if the world around me has already started to change around and towards me - in a positive way of course. It just confirms to me that a significantly larger energy shift was really needed. And I am really looking forward to experiencing how it will all keep unfolding The best thing for me was the whole experience of your energy! It was a real pleasure to experience your wisdom, lightness, depth, humor, beauty - yes, I could actually go on and on about you - and you also have a wonderful ability to make me, feeling lucky and full of amazing potential - thanks for that!

Helen Waters
Forfatter, performer og filmskaber
My biggest frustration before working with Novalee was that I’d seen another numerologist who, while very good, didn’t offer a lot of follow up support, perhaps due to me not being her typical client. So while I had my new name set up, I’d been sitting on it, not moving forward making the change. Novalee picked up where the other numerologist left off. She reminded me of what I would be leaving behind. She went through my old name set up and identified very many aspects of it that were very real and true to me, but that weren’t serving me as well as they could. She then reminded me of what I would be moving toward with my new name set up. She took me through all the meanings of my new name vibrations. Novalee has a sense of playfulness and fun that I haven’t found in other spiritual/healing/light-workers. She takes all the serious stuff seriously, but her solutions feel fresh, light, funny, and fun. It’s unique to her. See Novalee if you feel like you’re just reliving the same frustrating patterns over and over. She is very intuitive, more than intuitive, even. She can see your pain and your troubles, but she can also see a way forward for you. Actionable, practical steps. I feel freer. My core values are aligned with a name change because I believe that we are infinitely creative and flexible beings and changing my name honors that. I love my new name. It’s empowering to choose your own name.

Lina Paola Reyes Ruiz
Professionel numerolog og tarotlæser
I wanted to be taught by Novalee, because months before I read her book A Little Bit of Numerology. It was so on point that I needed to know more in depth. I loved the way Novalee explained things with images that really capture the essence of the vibration The structure of The Numerology School was great. The yearly cycles have opened a door for me. Studying them have made me more aware of the available energy that can help me navigate the world. I loved doing numeroscopes and yearly cycles. This has led me to move even more my esoteric business with new clients and it has pointed out what other subjects I want to specialize on. I enjoyed the live teaching as it’s more dynamic and it solved any doubts faster. I was surprised by how much information you can get from numbers and the universe of possibilities in which they can be applied. After the training I’m now aware of each wave coming toward me, so it doesn't take me by surprise. I am taking advantage from this: to make the best choices in life and also getting closer to my professional goals. Everyone who is conscious enough to ask the WHYs and are accountable of their doings should study at the school!

Mettemarrie Lassen
Sygeplejerske, Sorgrådgiver & Sensetik Terapeut
I wanted to have a session with you and your commitment made an impression on me. I did not feel any reservations - after all, there was no pressure on your part in relation a the name change - it was my own choice how I wanted to use the session with you. At my job, I have the habit of fighting against windmills - using a lot of effort - even if it is pointless. I'm still sometimes do that, but I'm discovering more quickly that I'm abusing myself - I'm a little more aware that I'm also just a human - not a superhuman It’s new for me to think: I don't want to fight anymore. I’m less afraid of being ostracized - even if I can't work for two. The theme of belonging you talked about is so fundamentally important to me. I know this because I feel that from the beginning of my life I had to give up - to be with others. Such a relief to get this confirmed and perhaps the biggest driving force in relation to the name change - that I am me - regardless of what other people think about it. That other stuff you shared about the deep venus energy - love and pleasure and here, too, a confirmation of what is fundamentally important to me. After the name change, it's as if I dare to rest in it more In a session or when talking about one's numeroscope it’s important to me, that there is the freedom to speak about things openly - as options that can be pursued or left alone I think you were great at this - very balanced and a great awareness of the individual across from you, feeling into them, being connected so you both get the most out of the collaboration. I liked how you chose your words and energy so it wants rushed or superficial. It meant a lot to me that I could feel that you wanted the VERY BEST for me.

Elenor Mettesofie Lind
Zoneterapiterapeut og clairvoyant healer
Before I booked a session, I doubted whether I even believed in numerology. I thought it sounded a little too far-fetched that my name should have a meaning for my life. So I was somewhat skeptical and wanted "proof" that there was something to the matter. At the same time, I was also attracted to numerology, as I could feel that there was a lot of old stuff that I didn't want to be a part of my life anymore. I started by booking a Name Check-Up with Novalee, to see if it would make sense for me to do a name change session. When I listened to the audio recording she sent, all my doubts and skepticism about numerology disappeared. I felt as if Novalee had crawled under my skin and that she saw, felt and experienced the world as if she were me. She spoke right into my challenges, my dreams and my strengths. It was incredibly to experience that there was someone here who understood me. I was left with the feeling that I could not ignore the new knowledge I had just gained. I wanted to change my name. For me, it was both liberating and vulnerable that another person looked so deeply into me, but I experienced that Novalee showed the most loving respect for who I am and my point of view. She has a well-developed ability to see the big picture and get all the way around. For example, that it is not enough to be able to get a lot of ideas, you also need to be able to put action behind them, so that the ideas can become something. That professionalism made me incredibly comfortable during the session with Novalee. At the same time, it was uplifting that she created a space where it was impossible to dream too big. Novalee's playful and cheerful energy, great enthusiasm and excitement for her work are contagious. After the session, I have gained a different understanding of myself and I have the experience that there are some pieces in the puzzle that suddenly make sense and have fallen into place. Basically, I would recommend everyone who has a desire to work with themselves to look at their name through the eyes of numerology. As with anything, it won't resonate with everyone, but for me it's really been an eye opener and expanded my toolbox. It’s a huge support for me that every month, for the first 12 months after my name change, I get an email from Novalee that supports my process.
Sessionen Navnetjek og navneændring

Jory Vidulich
Professionel numerolog og billedbehandlingsleder
I first bought A Little Bit About Numerology and found it extremely interesting, it led me to Novalee for a reading and to ask about the schooling. Once we started discussing my name vibration and base number, she described my life as it was then; I felt heard and understood. Many aspects of my life started to fall into place and became understandable. It made perfect sense that the only common thread were my names which did not support my base number and as a result brought conflict with my true self. If I had known this in my 20's, life would have been so different. Chaldean Numerology not only looks at my name but also my relationships, homes, family, work and those I interact with. I was excited to be given the opportunity to learn this ancient and timeless knowledge so I can live my life closer to my true self and my dreams. I feel that the training structure, which was very thought through to be supportive of each step that provided more depth to the process. The Numeroscope calculations were easy and I found the yearly cycles fascinating to do. Each class was full of amazing information. When I think of numerology, I feel lighter and excited. It uplifts me and provides hope for the future. The name vibrations and how they interact with each other depending upon the placement is valuable information. The Numeroscope itself, which tells so much of a person and their current life. There were times I felt such a responsibility and some fear of this knowledge, however, my inner voice kept me moving forward to learn and to allow the numbers to speak and for me to listen and understand what the numbers were saying, which in itself is a gift and treasure. Novalee provided a safe space that allowed me and my classmate to share and express ourselves. Chaldean Numerology gave me an amazing insight into the world for myself and those close to me where actions of understanding, compassion and love were expressed. The yearly cycles are invaluable and provide a map that can steer decisions/ actions into the future. Very valuable... I have learned so much during the 9 month course that I wish I could quit everything else and just do Chaldean Numerology in all its aspects for others!

Maneth Moon
I actually intended to wait longer to book the session than I ended up doing. Had an idea that there should be a little more calm around me, as I didn't know how I was going to react. But it probably speaks more to my need for control and security, so it was both liberating and borderline-crossing to say "fuck it" and just take the plunge when I had made the decision anyway. It was as if Novalee was retelling my story, but the story I had only told myself. There were many aha experiences during and after the session. Even though I knew what I was getting into, I was still blown away by how important my name vibrations and basic energy have been in my life up until now. I already spend time working with myself, but this tool has really boosted my work and given me new perspectives. I would really recommend a name change session to people who feel life is one long, hard drag. People who feel burdened by the past no matter how many different therapists and healers they go to. The name does not save everything, but it is a good addition to an easier life. Below is a check in email from Maneth after the first year: Thank you thank you! Thank you for you, your energy and your videos. Every video has funnily always fit and landed right in the themes I've been in - you'd think you'd tried it before ;) But I gotta tell you how happy I am about this decision. Even here a year (!!) later, I have to pinch myself when I have to say or write my name, to realize that my name is something as beautiful as MANETH! And how powerful is it to know that I have chosen it myself. The release has proceeded very intuitively and in collaboration with my body, which has had many emotional and energetic layers to shed, so it has been hard, but at the same time beautiful and transgressive to let go of control and have trust in the process, and to continue to remain in that trust ... Whether it is a higher frequency, my own awakening, the collective dark night of the soul, fate, the universe or a combination of everything that has happened in the last year, but I have never stood stronger in myself and my truth. For me, my name really underlines the transformation that has taken place So once again thank you. Thank you for having a hand in my journey - I have not regretted it for a second

Kristine Lauritzen
Skuespillerinde, fortæller og hest i harmoni-træner
I just listened to the meditation again and it was great. I love your voice with the music, it all fits so perfectly. I love that the speed is not too fast, I can take my time and slow down, it feels delicious. There is such a presence in your voice, it really felt like your were my own personal guide. Thank you! I really liked the part about feeling my mid-line and the concrete aspects of placing the intention inside. Before listening to the meditation I felt a lack of sleep, a bit a ll over the place and spacey, like I was walking through the world without feeling it. After listening I feel grounded and in touch with myself and the world. I'd recommend this meditation to everyone - just listen! It's so great to flow from this into bed but also for just a midday break, I love the I get guided back to the present moment and can move on with my day.
Claudia Burdick
Professionel numerolog og skaber af EON-appen
I found the numerology school through Novalee’s book, A Little Bit of Numerology. I was already studying Sound Healing so the concept of each number having a vibration appealed to me. It rang true for me. I loved the teaching Novalee shared on the karmic aspects to Numbers and the wonderful depth of understanding Novalee possesses. I was surprised by the richness of the depth of the tapestry in this schooling is beyond valuable. Multi layered. Novalee is a patient and may I say loving teacher of this ancient art. Honestly none of it is easy. It has a lot of depth but it changed my thinking in regards to cause snd effects and I see it at work in my clients everyday. I think it course was a perfect mix of live and recorded material and I appreciated the time in between classes to integrate all the learning. I already use it to gain more insight into my clients challenges. I do plan to incorporate it as one of the servings in my existing Body Code business. I would most assuredly recommend this schooling. If you’re serious about understanding the world of Numbers you should sign up for this class. It’s such a good well rounded education that opens even more doors and windows once you’ve stepped inside. If you are not earnestly seeking to understand this ancient art you will not want to put in the effort it takes to become a professional numerologist. This course takes work. You will not be able to just sit back snd not engage. You shouldn’t take it if you’re not wanting to jump in the pool. It won’t work to just get your feet wet and wade around the perimeter. . I found this training when looking for answers about vibrations or frequency. Part of this brings the possibility of having a name change. This is a part of specifically Chaldean numerology that is fascinating and powerful. And life changing. Even if you don’t change your name the information is powerful!
Mathilda Phoenix
Traume-informeret Bodyworker & Space holder
I’ve had a lot of doubts, or rather I probably knew all along that this is what I wanted, but my ego and fear were making noise. but when I first got over it, I didn't really have any reservations. I felt I had to be very open about the whole experience Wow. It is difficult to explain the shifts in short. Novalee really put into words some things that I could not have described better myself. It has created a much greater understanding of myself. but the biggest thing is probably that I have experienced much higher compassion and yes understanding for myself. It has generally been liberating to admit that I want to change my name. During the session, it was mostly just an aha experience throughout and I am very grateful. It was amazing to get an understanding of my old numeroscope and then understand the new one. It all made so much psychological sense and I am impressed again and again by how insanely sharp and skilled Novalee is and how fantastic she is at conveying numerology. it's hard to be more specific as I think everything in the session helped make it a really lovely experience. I would for sure recommend this!! Especially to people who feel a calling already. I think changing the name has to come from within. one must feel called to do so. I think everyone should invest in it ;) but it's not for everyone so I probably wouldn't suggest it to people who don't show interest themselves. having said that, I would forever recommend Novalee as a numerologist if you have made the decision to change your name. I felt very seen during the entire session and it is clearly one of the experiences I have had that has given me the greatest understanding of myself.

Kirsten Charlotte Nilson
Before booking I had gotten you recommended and I liked the promptness in response from you - from then on I experienced a nice, safe and calm energy around you. I’ve listened back to the recording multiple times and each time I get new insights and aha’s. I’m going to keep listening. I think I felt a block around my middle name of Charlotte - for most of my life I didn’t want to carry it until I leaned as an adult that my dad - who I’ve been separated from since I was 9, he told me that it was his choice to give me that name. I liked learning that I’m a double 2 and that this number is filled with joy and playfulness as I understand it. I want to lean into that more as I had to grow up quickly like you mentioned as an outcome of my name. I’ve already recommend you to others. It was such an extremely present, safe and great experience - lovingly calm and your voice is so good to listen to, I don't know you and yet it's like I know you - everything felt completely open.

Privat kunde
I had no doubt that I would see a numerologist if I had to change my name, which I really want to do. I didn't know much about numerology other than what I've heard in some podcasts and a little reading, but I'm very into energies. It felt meaningful to make an investment and get support in getting through a name change well. Nervous feelings about other people's reactions hit me, not so much with seeing a numerologist, but mostly with changing my name. My body felt all bubbly leading up to the session because I was really excited. When the session started I calmed down more and was just really interested in everything that you could share about me. After the session I had a lot of energy around finding a new name, and looked through all the lists before I could go to sleep, but then I slept very well. I got a really nice and calming feeling in my body when you told me that I got a new numeroscope, that’s symmetrical. It feels absolutely right and I need to have more alignment between the conscious and the unconscious. I would really like to recommend a name change session to others who want to change their name. People who don't feel comfortable with their name or who need a fresh start with a supportive name. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to participate in a name change session with you.

Privat kunde
I've never talked to a numerologist before so I wasn't really sure what to expect or how much information they would be able to share. I loved listening to my session—I felt like everything was spot on. I had a very specific question I was wanting answered and Novalee answered it as best she could and helped to put my anxiety and mind at peace.. I just overall loved how genuine Novalee is. She really has a gift and true passion for this work and her clients that she's reading for and it shows. I’d recommend this session to everyone! Anyone who's even curious won't be disappointed. It also makes a great gift!

Isobel Paula Solberg
I didn't have any hesitations about booking the Name Check-Up. I had read A Little Bit of Numerology, knew my numbers, and really wanted to understand how it all fit together and how a name change could help me. Listening to the session helped me to understand why I have experienced certain challenges over and over again throughout my life. I was excited to learn that I could become more vibrationally aligned to my Soul essence and alter my challenging life themes through a name change. I felt empowered. The Name Check-Up session is perfect for anyone who is curious about the possibility of a name change but is not sure whether they're mentally or emotionally ready for it. After sitting with the information I was ready and excited for a Name Change session!
Navnetjek- og navneændringssessionen

Dillon Ford
Skuespiller, forfatter og accentreduktionscoach
I think I was nervous before booking the session because I knew just taking the session was a big step for me. I knew it was going to be really good and I was going to learn a lot but I was afraid it was going to change a lot, and that I may not be able to just keep going with my current name set up. But it wasn't the kind of fear of something that might hurt me, it was more the fear of not being able to refuse to see the issues anymore and having to face them, which is a good thing! I also try to follow my own rule-book of facing my fears as often as possible because so many times fear shows us where to go. After all, only by doing what we fear, are we truly able to grow. I could tell that I felt giddy as you told me information from the numeroscope that was totally true about me! I mean, everything was totally true. You didn't say a word that didn't resonate with me. I could tell that as soon as we had started talking about my numeroscope, I started getting more and more restless because I could not WAIT to get my hands on those name lists and look for new ones!! I felt really good after the session. And hopeful! I had been afraid of feeling that I was totally doomed in my name, but it was so helpful to even just hear what I was currently dealing with. Even if I weren’t going to change my name, I would have gained so much useful information. On top of that I was really really excited to go through the name lists and start choosing the ones I liked, pairing them up and seeing how they sounded, knowing that I couldn't go wrong since they would form a harmonious set up! I really liked learning about myself and my current set up, not only things that were challenging (or that some might find challenging) but also the things that were obviously my strengths and which had developed as a result of it. And that I could take those with me into the numeroscope because I had grown up with them. I would totally recommend this session to others. The reason being, that it was just so illuminating. It was definitely a very personal experience and I felt 100% safe with you, which I think is really important in a setting like this. It felt like I could really express how I felt and be heard and connect the dots by hearing about my numbers. It was amazing!!!

Privat kunde
Novalee! THANK YOU! I first found you on Youtube and knew you were the right numerologist for this for me. During my first reading, it felt so good just to listen, I really loved hearing your voice and felt your read was entirely accurate. Everything was right on. I felt even better when I decided to explore a name change. I realized I always had at some level a latent wish to have a name change and wonder why this came so late in life for me. The important thing is I met you my energy did shift since the first time we connected, so I knew the experience would be a destined blessing. I liked You best of all, your energy and your positive presence. I love how you explained my previous name with its vibrations and the possibilities of the new. I loved that you could provide the names and I could be in charge of the final selection(s). I am very creative so I think from the lists provided I will do much name work. It also stimulated a desire to study Chaldean numerology now. I am amazed at how it works and definitely find resonance with my numbers. I absolutely recommend a name change to others! What an enjoyable tour de force you created for me! I understand it all and appreciate your promptness! I love that I can select from within these vibrations. I am going to have a field day exercising my genius here and creating several names for different situations/relationships, who knows. I am going to allow myself to have fun! My deepest thanks for all you have done on my behalf. I will definitely recommend you to others. What an immeasurably joyful lead into my new life, XO
Navnetjek- og navneændringssessionen

Brook Harper Ellery
Uafhængig konsulent
I didn’t have any hesitation when I booked The Name Check-Up. It’s a good mix of commitment, information received and cost. I liked what I heard and knew I needed more to figure out how to use the info. The Name Change Session is definitely less of an impulse purchase. During the session I felt calm, hopeful and satisfied that I had real tangible information that I could take with me and apply to my real life. What I liked most is how you talked through every choice thoroughly enough that when looking for my new name I am armed with the exact reasons why I am choosing a new name and the benefits I will receive from it. The new Numeroscope and the detailed information you provide are like receiving my own special order for my future... no peas, extra carrots, no butter. I could not sleep for 5 nights afterwards and it wasn’t like a child’s type excitement or anticipation on Christmas Eve. It was nothing like that; it was a simple, calm feeling, like a shift. It was a quick but calm awakening then I was just simply awake. I hope I feel that again someday. The sessions work well as a team. The Small Session acts like a validation, that was my light bulb moment. Throughout life we share our struggles or seek advice from others in times of need and they use whatever tools they have to help us through it with encouragement and love. The Small Session picks up where others couldn’t go by validating the left turns, right turns and U-turns that based on our current Numeroscope we did a damn good job navigating those turns. It illuminates the roads that we can have access to if we want to use them. Like having a membership card at a private club. If we act upon the information, is getting to fly first class for life. You wont avoid turbulence but turbulence doesn’t feel as rough in seat 1A. I would absolutely recommend The Small Session to anyone. It can be good for the casual out of town visitor or it can be a valuable key for the “Indiana Jones” types that are on a deliberate journey. I really only have good things to say. I especially love that I was going to get to spend 2.5 hours with you. It eliminates any concern about having enough time and shows a commitment to my journey. I love how you give full access to yourself. You are real, approachable, and completely present. You give your full attention and the email you send the next day or so reminding me I can ask any question and you are still here for me is perfect. I feel good. I’m very happy. This was really wonderful. You were right on. I'd recommend you to anyone. I've been around a lot of psychics…I’ve had access to it you know? And you were spot on with all your numbers and all your descriptions of how the numbers have been affecting me, so the whole time I was like - ! - I can’t even pick anything and say that didn’t happen. Thank you Novalee! Thank you so much for everything. You have a talent, keep blasting it out there! So more people can know about this. Because you definitely just changed one life. Thanks so much for being my “Life Change Concierge”!
Navnetjek- og navneændringssessionen

Avalon Khaan
Mentor, Human Design Lærer & Love Leader
I wholeheartedly recommend this badass numerologist, Love Leader Queen and her knowledge. She is undoubtedly the most dedicated and hardworking numerologist I’ve met and she puts SO much love into everything she does. Insanely competent and thorough all the way through! And on top of this, she exudes feminine power and owning who she is.

Rikkemaja Rindom
Clairvoyant og intuitiv tarotlæser
I have already recommended you to others. There is something in your energy that just appeals to me. I trusted you immediately. It meant a lot to me that my business name would work for both my boyfriend and me and that it is filled with opportunities for power and success. I was happy with your input on the name of the Facebook page.
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