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Yearly Guides I recommend
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Books I recommend
Cheiro, You and your star, 1936
Linda Goodman's Star Signs, 1987
Harish Johari, Numerology with Tantra, Ayurveda and Astrology, 1990
Novalee Wilder, A Little Bit of Numerology, 2019
Novalee Wilder, A Little Bit of Angel Numbers, 2023
Books with both Pythagorean and Chaldean Numerology:
Dan Millman, The Life You Were Born to Live (Revised 25th Anniversary Edition), 2018
Numerology adjacent books:
Robert Schwartz, Your Soul's Plan, 2009
Akemi G, Why We Are Born, 2014
Michael S. Schneider, A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe, 1995
Melissa Feick, A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records, 2018
Beyond Numerology:
Hundley, Fiebig and Kroll, Tarot (The Library of Esoterica), 2020
Linda Goodman's Sun Signs, 1968
Chani Nicholas, You Were Born for This, 2020
Feng Shui and the energy of your home:
Karen Kingston, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, 2016
Jayme Barret, Feng Shui Your Life, 2012
Simone Butler, Astro Feng Shui, 2011
Ellen Whitehurst, Make This Your Lucky Day, 2007
Terah Kathryn Collins, The Western Guide to Feng Shui: Room by Room, 1999
Courses I recommend